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some artwork for my mate Nelio, traded for a place to stay.. Lyon super fun


Got arrested last night, spent the night in lockup. All because me and a mate were super drunk and painted a giant high school penis.. according to the copper taking my statement, it was a 50cm high, 15 metre long “Man’s sex part.” I actually giggled like a school girl when they told me that this morning. Good news is, I was released without charges..

So to celebrate the day, heres a video of Lenny “The Guv’Nor” McClean in an unlicensed boxing match..

does this ount for hobo points? i think it does..

UPDATE: the culprit..

the cock that landed me in jail

the cock that landed me in jail

Just got into Lyon last night, after someone told me of the Beaujolaise Nouveau, which is pretty much the local french version of octoberfest, only with wine (thats only 2 months old..) and condensed into a 25 minute free-for-all brawl for free midnight wine, follwed by a bunch of drunken french guys singing.  It was awesome..

But heres a video of the celebration before the arrival of the barrels into the town square.  It is actually the most Eurotasticly Eurotastic thing i’ve ever seen in my life. I actually think I’d been waiting my whole life to see something so tacky, and totally rad at the same time.

(don’t feel the need to watch the whole thing.. but you get the idea..)

if you’re too lazy to sit through that, heres a video of another talking guitar.. but this one dances

heading up to the mountains after the weekend.. gonna hang out with my buddy Lio this weekend..