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So after the brief sojourn with the Lyonnaise Police department behind me, i headed to Grenoble.. A little city up in the mountains, away from Paris which was fun..  It also, as i found out later happened to be in the Chartreuse region of the world..


So after a few days hanging out with my mate Olivier, i jumped on a train to Geneva, where i was going to meet up with a guy off couchsurfing, who lived in this crazy punk house.. got to his house, called him up and he was at this party on the other side of town.. i dumped my bags and headed off on a bus, cross town. 5am and a dozen supermarket beers later it was party time back at the punk house..

stayed in geneva a very expensive 3 days, and an even more expensive train trip back to france, to go to Mulhouse to visit my buddy Anthony, where it was Vin Chaud all the way to the top..

(sorry. im the mucous man at the moment.. i cant think of anything clever to write..)

But in other News, the fun news.. From Mulhouse, the plan was always to hitch-hike to Berlin.. or at least somewhere in Germany.

So i woke up at like 6am, hopped on a bus out of town and walked to the freeway onramps, and wrote a sign on my sketchbook to ‘Allemagne’ (the french dont have similar names for countries like everyone else.. they just have to be different.) After 30 minutes of waiting, some Europcar guys took me to the border and dropped me at the bridge to Germany. I walked across, which was nice, i suppose.. From there, Frank drove me to Freiborg, and talked to me about some exchange students from melbourne who are staying with him.. Affie drove me in his truck from Freiborg to Offenberg with his Border Collie.. i waited in the rain talking to Gorge from Bulgaria who was the toilet attendent at a truckstop there, for about 2 hours, before Miroslav from Slovakia drove me to a truckstop just north of Frankfurt, when for the first time ever, i actually awarded myself a vague point..

Thinking to myself.. “Why the fuck have they concreted all the embankments next to the Autobahn?? and why does it extend beyond the embankments?? Whats the point??”  This being in the centre of Germany, where it has on occasion been known to snow. A lot.. It took me about 20 minutes to figure that one out.. So Bessie – look out, I’m catching up.

Tony the Portuguese/German drove me from Frankfurt to Hannover, where i stupidly thought it would be cheap/easy to catch a train from there to Berlin. Trains to the capital? go all the time dont they? and cheap? no on both counts. I was too exhausted and couldnt be arsed anymore so i bought a ticket, some beers and caught a train to a small city kinda in between the two and got drunk and fell asleep at the station.. (By this stage it was midnight..) I got to Berlin 27 hours after id left Mulhouse, which by all accounts is pretty quick for hitching.. Fun times though.. it turns out every single truck driver smokes like a champion, so it was great fun riding high above everyone else, swearing in different languages and smoking millions of cigarettes..

So Berlin huh? Fun city. Easy to be poor (like me.. im getting into calling the folks territory fast.)

So thats it for now. Its beer beer beer, poland on the weekend, gluhwein at night, and vegan cooking. Good times.

Back in london on the 17th of December. In time to be even more poor..