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Sorry for the lack of fun.. but its been a whirlwind since leaving Europe to coming home and basically still feeling like i’m on holiday.. but for good measure heres the basic standard of what I’ve been doing since I’ve been home. Getting my dirty mug on front covers of newspapers. BAM!

Get a load of this..
more antipodean hotness to come soon..



look at that dirty mugshot

look at that dirty mugshot

So i havent had much luck with cameras while ive been here.. Flip broke my first one, and then to exonerate himself, he bought one and sent it over for my birthday. What a legend. But, two weeks ago it got stolen at work.. pricks. So today completely impulsively went and bought a new one. Panasonic Lumix 8 megapixel

Its shiny.

so heres some new artwork

1. Danni from Coventry
2. Canvas for my friend Leah. Acrylic and Spray Laquer on Canvas 120cm x 90cm

3. Peta from Essex
4. Plan sketch for my stooge mate Danny Connock (see last post for the follow up sketch) 
5+6. Vikki from Essex