it seems like ive barely been away, but now its getting cold, and the days are getting shorter, it finally hit me that ive been away for over a year.

so naturally, i quit my job, moved out of my house and borrowed money off my bro and am going on a major no holds barred super adventure.. all things considered, i shouldve done this a long time ago (try summer) but what the hey?

im currently hangin out in velserbroek, near haarlem about 20km away from amsterdam chillin with my great auntie who turned 80 today and my folks too, but the real juicy action starts on the 20th – the one and only date so far that ive booked any travel for which is to Faro, on the southern tip of portugal..

the plan is to head north-ish and at least make it to berlin, through the pyrenees, southern france and paris.

wish me luck